Thanks very much Russell, Linda and Ian, appreciative of those comments and I will make sure the thanks are read/passed onto also - I'm really pleased you enjoyed the afternoon, and thank you in return for being part of the day and the ongoing support and interest.
a very big thank you to you and everyone who helped put together a great afternoon. Fascinating to learn about the sometimes extraordinary lives of ancestors who are unable to tell us their stories personally. I know you and others have put many hours of research into the Oliver Family History and your willingness to share is really appreciated. So good to meet 'cousins' again and discover new ones too. Four and a half hours and not one moment of boredom, I only wish presentations at work were so interesting!
Another fantastic Family History Day. Thanks Shane for all your work putting this together. Thanks also to Jane for such an interesting presentation on the Workhouse and to those behind the scenes especially the camera man/dishwasher/chair stacker and general multi tasker (your father in law I think).
I can't remember when I enjoyed an afternoon quite so much as today. Even though you have some facinating material to work with, your delivery is utterly engaging and you memory for facts and figures truly astounding.
I'm not sure that there are any B&Bs in Stonesfield actually, one of the nearest I know of is in Combe,, wonder if this might be suitable, I know some folks who travelled over from Australia for a previous Oliver Day stayed there and I think they found it good.
I'm know that the Oliver builders of Combe worked on that B&B building many times, and I think they were possibly even involved in extending it if I recall, so it has a very real connection to the Olivers.
Hope that helps, but if you need any more local help just let me know!
Great to hear of the interest again from your branch and that the planned date sounds good for you, super news, the feedback so far has been positive so the date is looking good!
Will share more details etc in the coming days and weeks,
Hope you don't mind me starting a new topic but I am replying to the email I just found in my inbox. I would like to confirm that this chain of the Oliver clan will be attending on 25th September 2016. We are very much looking forward to it.