I'd like to add my thanks to Shane for all the work he has done on the Oliver family history. I so enjoy all the information which appears on the website. and the video 'Best wishes for 2015' was a wonderful way to end this year. Linda's right...you'll need the tissues!
Thanks Shane.
Happy New Year to you all from Saskatchewan Canada.
I'm sure you will all join me in thanking Shane for all his hard work on our Oliver family history over the past year. The website, the Family History Day, the video's on You Tube - all fantastic - uniting the Oliver family not only here in Oxfordshire but worldwide. It's a huge task.
AND - if you haven't yet seen the 'Best wishes for 2015' yet - make sure the tissues are close by.
Thanks Shane
Best wishes to you all for the New Year from a cold but sunny Oxfordshire - Linda