Isn't it interesting how solving one mystery can sometimes lead to solving another.
I think Debbie this was another 'mystery' photo from Danny Gray:
Well, I can tell you who these folks are too now - this is Ernest Allen Poc0ck and his sister Jean Poc0ck, these are the children and William and Maud Poc0ck, nee Austin, from the other mystery photo.
This family is Clanfield based, Ernest and Jeans Grandparents, Thomas and Lily Selina Austin, nee Oliver, moved from Stonesfield to Clanfield after they married. Descendents still there today.
Ernest actually wrote a fine book about Clanfield, 'A History of Clanfield, see the following link:
Yes, I would certainly like to do something again this year but in all honesty, due to a lack of research in the last few months it'll probably be in the second half of the year rather than the first half, and that'll give me some time to actually dig something up to share!
I'll hopefully put a message out in the next couple of months to see if people are interested.
Well, I can now say with 100% certainty who the Bride and Groom are in the mystery photo ...
.. and .... the Groom is Alan William Poc0ck and the Bride is Maud Evelyn Poc0ck, nee Austin.
They were married in 1917.
Maud Evelyn Poc0ck, nee Austin, is the daughter of Thomas Austin and Lily Selina Austin, nee Oliver.
Lily Selina Austin, nee Oliver, is the daughter of Albert and Hannah Oliver.
Thomas, Lily Selina, Maud and Maud's brother Ernest are all include in the large family photo (and article) of Albert and Hannah and their children and Grandchildren - Maud is just a babe in arms.
Ernest Austin, her brother, is also included (including a picture) in the 'Oliver men on Oxfordshire War Memorials' article on this website.
The picture was validated today by Maud's granddaughter.
Sometimes when you have to turn a lot of stones these things take a while, but ..... I (think I!) am on the verge of craking this photo! - will keep you posted, further updates soon hopefully!
You could ask Shane to put this on display at the next Oliver Family Day to see if anyone there recognises the family as there will be people there (dare I say it) who don't use the website.
Bye for now - Linda
PS Yes, Shane, if you are reading this I am fishing to see if there is going to be a family day this year (I've got the cake tins ready)
Hi everyone and a very Happy New Year - a bit late, but then things run very slowly in Essex.
Lovely photo but no ideas at all. Would it have been taken in the early 1920`s do you think?
Would that be a pair of pantaloons below the hemline on the little girl 3rd from left. I believe sometimes young boys wore dresses in their early years - but maybe that person is just a tad too old.
I am sure someone will let you soon who the family is.
What a lovely photo. Do you think it's a wedding photo? One thing which caught my attention was the lattice work making a porch around the door. If you go to the Picture Gallery and look at the picture of the Bartlett Family there's the same kind of lattice porch behind them. I don't know if they were a common feature in Stonesfield at that time, but if they weren't, it might be the same location.
I attach a photo of members of the Oliver clan which I have just found in some photos Derek (Danny) Gray kindly gave me. I don't know who the people in the photo are. Can anyone help?